皮尔兹PILZ 皮尔兹PILZ Basic Upgr License for PSS WIN-PRO Full Upgrade licence for updating the version number of an present basiclicence for the full version of the PSS WIN-PRO software. Includes alicence key for activating the full functionality. Note: Does n... 更多
型号: Basic Upgr License for PSS WIN-PRO Full
订货号: 301288U
皮尔兹PILZ 皮尔兹PILZ Basic Upgr License for PSS WIN-PRO Serv Upgrade licence for updating the version number of an existing basiclicence for the service version of the PSS WIN-PRO software. Includesa licence key for activating the service functionality. Note:... 更多
型号: Basic Upgr License for PSS WIN-PRO Serv
订货号: 301289U
价格¥ 179114.07
皮尔兹PILZ PASkey SD Card 4GB 带有 4 GB 安全存储器的安全 SD 卡和附加安全存储器,用于加密内容 (如许可证或副本保护)。仅支持 PSSu固件 1.16 . x
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