DATALOGIC/得利捷 PowerScan系列二维有线扫描枪(DPM版) PD9530-DPM USB接口 包含数据线 标配 1把
价格¥ 3761.05
FENIX/菲尼克斯 户外防水防尘防摔强光LED头戴照明灯(含电池) HL23 HL23 香槟金 1只
价格¥ 148.73
KANGYA/康雅 玻璃清洁剂 KY113 3.8L 1桶
价格¥ 27.00
MICROGARD/微护佳 3000系列防化反穿围裙 YE30-W-99-214-04 L 黄色 1条
价格¥ 38.20
BALLISTOL\芭莉士彤 21150-ZH 润滑剂 ballistol通用油
价格¥ 350.00
Vmade/威玛德 67900022 B17684 恒温金属浴配件 可更换模块
价格¥ 2290.14
皮尔兹PILZ PRMS spring 60 Spring with spring constant 60 N/mm for mounting in PROB mdf
价格¥ 6485.80
皮尔兹PILZ PSSnet GW1 MOD-EtherCAT PSSnet,网关,标准,Modbus/TCP服务器和EtherCAT 从站之间的协议转换器,支持CANopen over EtherCAT,可与PSS 3000、PSS 4000、PMI、PMCprimo和第三方产品组合使用,通过web服务器进行配置,1 RJ45端口 Modbus/TCP,2 RJ45端口 EtherCAT,传输速率10/100 Mbit/s,自动协商,数据长度512B... 更多
价格¥ 8661.65
皮尔兹PILZ MM A MINI-IO CAB19 0.7/1.5m 运动监控适配器ELAU PACDRIVE3,0.7/1.5 m。
价格¥ 3207.69
皮尔兹PILZ PMCprimo C2.0/C/C/4 primo-motion-controller cardfor servo-drive-series PMCprotego D 01-72Hardware-Option: CPU 1,3 GHz Configurable CANopen/ProfibusSoftware-Option: IEC 61131-3 -programming
价格¥ 43626.45
皮尔兹PILZ Basic Upgr License for PSS WIN-PRO Serv Upgrade licence for updating the version number of an existing basiclicence for the service version of the PSS WIN-PRO software. Includesa licence key for activating the service functionality. Note:... 更多
价格¥ 5954.09
皮尔兹PILZ PMCprotego S3.SN 8DI 6DO EI BR Drive-integral safety card for the servo amplifier series PMCprotego Dimplementable safety level: SIL 3 in accordance with EN/IEC 62061supported safety functions: STO, SS1, SS2, SOS, SLS, SSR, SDI, ... 更多
价格¥ 11743.12